Every year, millions of people around the world die needlessly from preventable disease because they lack access to quality primary health care. Frontline health workers and health care systems are stretched beyond their capacity. Building strong, community-driven health systems – with thriving frontline health workers at their heart – is the only effective and sustainable solution.
TIP Global Health is a leading authority in developing lasting solutions on the frontlines of health. TIP’s transformative approach to collaborating with frontline health workers, early alignment of this work with government priorities, and rigorous data-gathering, enables the scale-up of highly-effective solutions to extend access to life-saving quality care.

TIP empowers frontline health workers to take the lead in creating lasting solutions, and we work to strengthen their capacity, resilience, and hopefulness.

TIP aligns with government partners and priorities early on for ease of scale-up.

TIP’s local on-the-ground expertise and community-driven solutions are key to lasting improvements and quality of care.

TIP’s rigorous data-gathering and impact reporting combined with a strong commitment to the participation of frontline health workers and the community leads to highly-effective and enduring health outcomes.
TIP promotes local innovation at the frontlines of primary health care while strengthening national systems to achieve collective health goals.

Create a 360 degree view of the community’s primary health goals.

Research Ministry of Health protocols, how protocols are implemented, and where gaps exist.

Create a common road map for reaching the community’s health goals within the context of the current system and expectations.

Provide needed skills and demonstrate how these skills will support the ability to achieve health goals.

Choose indicators that stakeholders value, satisfy upstream reporting requirements, and illustrate the capacity to bring about change.

Integrate plans for sustainability by improving efficiency, accessing existing resources, identifying revenue streams, and supporting cross-sector collaboration.
TIP addresses the challenges of community health care by developing highly-effective and self-sustaining community-driven solutions that fall into the following Focus Areas:
TIP enables frontline health workers and empowers community members through E-Heza Data Solutions.
TIP’s Aheza Fortified Food solution prevents childhood malnutrition by providing low-cost access to porridge that provides critical micronutrients.
TIP uses research to identify the best ways to promote resilient frontline health workers and engagement among patients for better health outcomes through The Hope Initiative.
TIP’s rigorous research, data gathering, and on-the-ground expertise informs important global health policies.
success stories, and more.
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& improving lives.
TIP Global Health believes that every person deserves a healthy future. That’s why we do whatever it takes to develop highly-effective, cost-efficient solutions that expand access to life-saving quality health care. But we can’t do this important work without your support.
The support of our partners is crucial to the work we do. These organizations believe in our mission of achieving lasting improvements in health outcomes in resource-limited settings.
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